35 research outputs found

    Navike u ishrani kao važan faktor očuvanja zdravlja kod učeničke i studentske populacije

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    Objective. Dietary habits influence different aspects of health, such as: subjective health assessment, life habits (such as physical activities), functional status, as well as the health care, where inadequate diet represents a significant risk factor for the formation of numerous, various health disorders. It is estimated that around 31% of children in the world under 5 is malnourished, while mortality caused by illness, hunger or malnutrition makes even 50% overall mortality in children. The basic aims of this research are to examine the dieting characteristics of pupils and students and the differences in these two groups' diet compared to their defined demographic and socio-economical features. Methods. A cross-section study has been done on the sample of 480 pupils and students in Nis. The research in the field was performed between 20th November and 2nd December in 2014 (special days for certain groups of subjects). As previously mentioned, a statistical package computing program Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS for Windows rel. 13.0) was used. Results. The analysis shows that men have breakfast more rarely than women. The results are similar in answers to the question if they never have breakfast. Unlike the previous results, men have lunch more often than women and the answers to the question if they have an afternoon snack are similar. The difference is more apparent when it comes to afternoon snacks, men have lunch more often which is the same for the habit of having dinner or supper. An especially interesting question was the one whether subjects think about their health when they choose what to eat. The most frequent answer was that they consider it sometimes, a little less than a half or 45.2%, every third respondent, 29.0%, consider it often, and only every sixth does it always (16.3%). Conclusion. The most subjects sometimes thought about their health when they choose what to eat.Cilj. Navike u ishrani utiču na više različitih aspekata zdravlja, između ostalih na subjektivnu ocenu zdravlja, druge životne navike (kao što je fizička aktivnost), funkcionalni status, ali i korišćenje zdravstvene zaštite, a nepravilna ishrana predstavlja značajan faktor rizika za nastanak brojnih različitih poremećaja zdravlja. Procenjuje se da je oko 31% dece u svetu do 5 godina stare pothranjeno, dok smrtnost usled bolesti gladi i pothranjenosti učestvuje čak sa 50% ukupnog mortaliteta kod dece. Osnovni ciljevi istraživanja su da se ispitaju karakteristike ishrane učenika i studenata, kao i da se ispitaju razlike u ishrani učeničke i studentske omladine u odnosu na definisana demografska i socioekonomska obeležja ispitanika. Metode. Izvršena je studija preseka na uzorku od 480 učenika i studenata iz Niša. Terenski deo istraživanja sproveden je od 20. novembra do 02. decembra 2015. godine (posebni dani za određene grupe ispitanika). Korišćen je statistički paket-računarski program Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS for WIndows rel. 13.0). Rezultati. Analiza pokazuje da muškarci ređe doručkuju u odnosu na osobe ženskog pola. Odgovori su jedino približni na pitanje da li nikada ne doručkuju za razliku od prethodnih rezultata muškarci redovnije ručavaju, a slični su odgovori u odnosu na to da li imaju poslepodnevnu užinu. U ostalim situacijama može se reći da devojke vode više računa o svom zdravlju. Posebno je bilo interesantno pitanje da li ispitanici pri izboru načina ishrane razmišljaju o svom zdravlju. Najučestalije izjašnjavanje bilo je da razmišljaju ponekad, nešto manje od polovine ili 45.2% često, svaki treći ispitanik ili 29.0%, a uvek, tek svaki šesti (16.3%). Zaključak. Većina ispitanika ponekad razmišlja o svom zdravlju kada bira šta da jede

    Važnija eksterijerna i reproduktivna svojstva populacije engleskog punokrvnog konja gajenog na ergeli 'Ljubičevo', Srbija

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    The investigation included 5 stallions (average age of 10.40 years) and 33 mares (average age of 10.33 years) with pedigree of the English Thoroughbred horse breed that are used for breeding on the Stud Farm Ljubicevo - Serbia. The investigation of some significant properties relating to the exterior (at stallions) and reproductive ones (at mares) were carried out in the year 2009. The following average exterior (body) measures of the stallions: the body mass (474.80 kg), withers height (160.46 cm), trunk or body length (161.88 cm), breast circumference (187.96 cm) and tibia circumference (19.22 cm) were within the standards of this horse breed of the age. The gestation period at mares, regardless the sex of a colt, averagely lasted 337.70 days. With the mares having had a male colt, the gestation lasted a little bit longer (338.92 days) than with the mares having had female colts (336.90 days). The difference in the gestation duration (2.02 days) was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Between the age of the mares and the gestation duration (regardless the sex of a colt) it was found a positive slight correlation (rp=0.320). Furthermore, between the age of the mares and the gestation duration it was found medium (rp=0.453) correlation at male colts, and quite poor correlation (rp=0.202) at female colts. Found coefficients of the phenotype correlation were not statistically confirmed (P>0.05).Istraživanjima je obuhvaćeno 5 pastuva (prosečne starosti 10,40 godina) i 33 kobile (prosečne starosti 10,33 godina) sa poznatim poreklom (pedigreom) engleske punokrvne rase konja koja se na ergeli Ljubičevo - Srbija aktivno koriste u priplodu. Utvrđivanja važnijih eksterijernih (pastuvi), odnosno reproduktivnih svojstava (kobile) sprovedena su u 2009. godini. Utvrđene prosečne eksterijerne (telesne) mere pastuva: telesna masa (474,80 kg), visina grebena (160,46 cm), dužina trupa - tela (161,88 cm), obim grudi (187,96 cm) i obim cevanice (19,22 cm) su bile u okviru standarda ove rase konja u odgovarajućoj starosnoj dobi. Bremenitost (gestacija) kobila, bez obzira na pol ždrebeta, u proseku je trajala 337,70 dana. Kod kobila koje su oždrebile mušku ždrebad bremenitost je trajala nešto duže (338,92 dana), nego kod kobila koje su oždrebile žensku ždrebad (336,90 dana). Razlika u trajanju bremenitosti (2,02 dana) nije bila statistički signifikantna (P>0,05). Između starosti kobila i trajanja bremenitosti (bez obzira na pol ždrebeta) utvrđena je pozitivna slaba korelaciona povezanost (rp=0,320). Zatim, između starosti kobila i trajanja bremenitosti utvrđena je srednja (rp=0,453) korelaciona povezanost kod muške ždrebadi, odnosno jako slaba (rp=0,202) kod ženske ždrebadi. Utvrđeni koeficijenti fenotipske korelacije nisu bili statistički potvrđeni (P>0,05)

    Impact of genetics on neoadjuvant therapy with complete pathological response in metastatic colorectal cancer: case report and review of the literature

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    Treatment of colorectal metastatic cancer is still challenging, despite recent improvements in chemotherapy. A genetic cancer profile, such as the KRAS (Kirsten rat sarcoma) gene status, plays a key role in individualized tailored therapy. Molecular targeted therapy added to neoadjuvant chemotherapy can achieve a better pathological response and prolong survival. Pathological complete response of colorectal cancer stage N is rare. A 47-year-old female patient presented with rectal adenocarcinoma and three liver metastases (cT3d/4, N2, M1). After seven cycles of Bevacizumab and CAPOX in neoadjuvant setting, we noted more than 70.0% regression of metastases and complete regression of the primary tumor. We performed low anterior resection of rectum and synchronous subsegmental resection of S3, because the other two lesions were not detectable. Pathology revealed complete response of the primary and also secondary tumors. After 8 months, diagnostic tests did not show any sign of recurrence and the remaining liver lesions disappeared. Colorectal cancer is a heterogeneous disease and it is necessary to identify patients who are at-risk of recurrence and suitable for neoadjuvant therapy. Genetic biomarkers play an important role in metastatic colorectal cancer treatment. Because of the mutated KRAS gene, Bevacizumab was added to cytotoxic therapy achieving a complete pathological response of primary tumor and metastasis. This case is unique because all reported cases with similar results, described staged surgery and one of reverse staged surgery, but with similar results. This neoadjuvant therapy has extra ordinary results for colorectal cancer stage IV and can help disease-free and long-term survival

    Applying multi-criteria analysis for preliminary assessment of the properties of alginate immobilized Myriophyllum spicatum in lake water samples

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    The preliminary assessment of the properties of alginate immobilized aquatic weed Myriophyllum spicatum beads-MsAlg in a multi-element system of nine Serbian lakes water samples was done. Herein, the results obtained in the biosorption experiment with MsAlg contents of twenty-two elements analysed by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, biosorption capacity, element removal efficiency, total hardness (TH) and quality index of water (WQI) are presented. Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy was used for the characterization of M. spicatum and its beads. The study showed that aluminium, magnesium and strontium were adsorbed by MsAlg in the water samples from all examined lakes; barium and iron in the water samples from six lakes. The overall average efficiency of MsAlg in biosorption of elements was in the following order: Al > Ba > Sr > Fe > Mg (58.6, 51.7, 48.2, 23.9 and 17.7%, respectively). The increase of TH and WQI values after the biosorption was noticed in all studied lake water samples. The most significant correlations for pH were regarding the contents of B, Mg and Ca, whereas WQI was highly correlated to the contents of B and Mg, and pH. The complexity of the obtained data was explained by Cluster Analysis and Principal Component Analysis, which showed good discrimination capabilities between the water samples taken from different locations. Considering that the invasive M. spicatum is natural, widespread and that its immobilization is cheap and eco-friendly, presented findings could be helpful in further assessment of MsAlg beads for its potential use as biofilter

    Urban morphology education in Serbia: Origin, genesis and new tendencies

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    The origin of urban morphology education goes back to the beginning of the 1970s and a period of radical education reforms at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, where urban environment became the main interdisciplinary topic. The importance of urban form has been since emphasized by planners, architects and politicians in various planning documents, symposiums and as such, became an essential segment of the architectural education. The subjects such as Contemporary architecture and form of the city, Urban environment and urbanization, Urban technic and composition and City environment were an important segment of the education for many years. This tradition was strengthened even more in newest accreditation, due to the individual contribution of academics who introduced new courses such as Urban Morphology and Urban Typology and Morphology. Having in mind recent contribution of researchers to emphasize the challenges of teaching urban morphology, this paper aims to enlighten the origin and genesis of the education of urban morphology at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade and to shed the light on new tendencies and means of teaching in present days. The paper will analyze syllabus of the courses, teaching methodology and present examples of student’s projects on three different levels and courses: ex cathedra on the bachelor level, practical implementation of theoretical notions in studio design on master level and research-based work on the PhD level

    First record of a natural hybrid Neotinea × dietrichiana (Orchidaceae) in Serbia

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    Abstract. Neotinea × dietrichiana (Orchidaceae), a natural hybrid between Neotinea tridentata and N. ustulata, has been found on the southwestern slopes of Mt Maljen (Western Serbia) for the first time in Serbia, representing its most continental record in the Balkans. Morphological and distribution data, as well as the ecological preferences of N. × dietrichiana are provided. The hybrid grows between 490 m and 510 m a.s.l., on serpentine substrate, as a member of xero-mesophilous steppe-like meadows. Hybrid specimens have been recorded at the sites where the two parental species grow in sympatry, and mostly where the population size of N. tridentata is larger than the population size of N. ustulata

    Lipoprotein(a) Is the Best Single Marker in Assessing Unstable Angina Pectoris

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    This study evaluated whether statin therapy changed a diagnostic validity of lipid and inflammatory markers in ischemic heart disease (IHD) patients. Levels of lipids, lipoproteins, apolipoproteins, inflammatory markers, and atherogenic indexes were determined in 49 apparently healthy men and women, 82 patients having stable angina pectoris (SAP), 80 patients with unstable angina (USAP), and 106 patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) treated or not treated with statins. Diagnostic accuracy of markers was determined by ROC curve analysis. Significantly lower apoA-I in all statin-treated groups and significantly higher apoB in statin-treated STEMI group compared to non-statin-treated groups were observed. CRP showed the best ROC characteristics in the assessment of STEMI patients. Lp(a) is better in the evaluation of SAP and USAP patients, considering that Lp(a) showed the highest area under the curve (AUC). Regarding atherogenic indexes, the highest AUC in SAP group was obtained for TG/apoB and in USAP and STEMI patients for TG/HDL-c. Statins lowered total cholesterol, LDL-c, and TG but fail to normalize apoA-I in patients with IHD

    Kvalitativna svojstva kopitara gajenih u Centralnoj Srbiji

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    The paper presents and analyzes the results of the measures selection of equidae (horse and donkey) in Central Serbia, conducted in the three-year period (2007th - 2009th years). In that period, based on exterior (phenotype), and production - reproductive indicators, carried out the evaluation and grading a number of heads equidae. Based on research conducted, it can be seen more general situation of the growing equidae in central Serbia, or changes the numerical situation for years, racial composition, and especially the quality of available animals, i.e. age of animals that are used primarily in reproduction and sports, and much less labor in the production of meat and milk of special quality. Results of research carried out indicate that it is necessary devote more attention to quality and racial composition of the throat or throat selection depending on their use, then the direction of breeding, sport animals ready for competition, diet and way of preparation (training) of sport horses, and therefore and the introduction of stricter application of appropriate methods selection the growing equidae.U radu su prikazani i analizirani rezultati selekcijskih mera kod kopitara (konja i magaraca) u Centralnoj Srbiji, sprovedenih u trogodišnjem periodu (2007 - 2009. godina). U navedenom periodu, na osnovu eksterijernih (fenotipskih) i proizvodno-reproduktivnih pokazatelja, izvršeno je ocenjivanje i klasiranje određenog broja grla kopitara. Na osnovu sprovedenih istraživanja, može se detaljnije sagledati opšte stanje pri gajenju kopitara u Centralnoj Srbiji, odnosno promena brojnog stanja po godinama, rasni sastav, a pre svega kvalitet raspoloživog broja grla, tj. starost grla koja se koriste prvenstveno u reprodukciji i sportu, a znatno manje kao radna snaga i u proizvodnji mesa i mleka posebnog kvaliteta. Rezultati sprovedenih istraživanja ukazuju na to da je potrebno posvetiti veću pažnju kvalitetu i rasnom sastavu grla, odnosno odabiru grla u zavisnosti od njihove upotrebe, zatim pravcu odgajivanja, spremnosti sportskih grla za takmičenje, ishrani i načinu pripreme (treniranja) sportskih konja, a samim tim uvođenje i strožiju primenu odgovarajućih selekcijskih metoda pri gajenju kopitara

    Mechanical and electrical properties of ternary Ag-Bi-Ga system at 250 °C

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    This paper presents a comparative review of the experimental and thermodynamic assessment of a ternary Ag-Bi-Ga system. An isothermal section at 250 °C was calculated using optimized thermodynamic data for the constitutive binaries. Microstructures and phase compositions of studied alloys were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy in combination with energy dispersive spectrometry and X-ray powder diffraction technique. The obtained experimental results were found to support the predicted phase equilibria rather well. The hardness of alloys from three vertical sections (Bi-AgGa, Ag-BiGa, and Ga-AgBi) was determined using Brinell hardness test while the hardness of the individual identified phases was determined using Vickers microhardness test. Additional electrical conductivity measurements were carried out on the same alloy samples. Based on the experimentally obtained results iso-lines of Brinell hardness and electrical conductivity for the entire compositional range were calculated